Survey on Competences in the Renewable Energy Sector: Cyprus 2011 (November 2011)
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  • wcmadmin

Vocational Education and Training Systems and Infrastructure Analysis

Survey on Competences in the Renewable Energy Sector: Cyprus 2011 (November 2011)  

This report was initiated by Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, and has been prepared by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, HRDA, which is the nominated National Coordinator of the European network ReferNet in Cyprus.

Cedefop established ReferNet as the European network of reference and expertise in vocational education and training. ReferNet comprises 29 members, known as ReferNet national partners, from each EU Member State, Iceland and Norway. ReferNet national partners are key organisations involved in vocational education and training in the country they represent. The aim of this network is to meet the growing demand for information on policies and developments in the area of vocational education and training in the European Union.

This report provides information on progress made in European countries on how key competences and other generic skills are included and assessed in VET programmes in the Renewable Energy Sector. This will contribute to addressing information gaps as identified in the Joint Progress Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Education & Training 2010 work programme.

The Surveys on Competences follow a common structure, which has been provided in the form of guidelines by Cedefop. The findings will feed into the ongoing work of Cedefop in this field, inform the work of specific Thematic Working Groups set up by DG EAC of the European Commission and form the basis for drafting a comparative working paper to be published in 2012 by Cedefop.

This specific report addresses the Renewable Energy Sector and provides information on developments in the occupations of Solar Photovoltaic Installer and Energy Auditor in initial vocational education and training in Cyprus. The HRDA, as the National Coordinator of ReferNet in Cyprus, wishes to acknowledge the invaluable contribution of the other members of the Cyprus consortium in the preparation of this report.

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